3.10.2020 - CLUB CULTURE DAY: YAAM United

Tag der Clubkultur (‘Club Culture Day’) was launched on the initiative of Berlin‘s Senator for Culture, Klaus Lederer, highlights the diversity and importance of Berlin‘s club culture in times of an existential crisis. As part of this showcase festival on October 3, 2020, up to forty clubs and collectives be rewarded for their contributions to Berlin’s club culture in recent years or even decades. On this day, each club and collective will present itself and the diversity and liveliness of Berlin’s club culture to the whole City.

YAAM is one of the venues rewarded and participating and we are glad to announce that our Rhythm Ruler is part of the Lineup. He will play records on the Lion’s Den Soundsystem alongside operator and owner of the Sound Ras Lion, Roots Daughters and Selektor Bony. All areas will be open including the Beach, Kids Corner and River Stage.

Don’t be late as there is limited capacity, bring a mask and follow the hygiene rules including registration at the entrance.

3.10.2020, 4 – 10pm Uhr, YAAM
An der Schillingbruecke 3, 10243 Berlin