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It was soundclash time once again in Berlin, this year happening in early fall at Badehaus. Despite the crazy prices for flights and hotels caused by another “Marathon” event, people travelled from all corners of Europe to witness this night. Our Soundsystem was set up in record time, due to a live show in the same venue that only ended 1 hour before. But as soon as the basslines did bubble through the speakers all those hectic moments were forgotten.
Before the war started it was time for the Prince Of Peace from Munich to warm up the place (not that it was was needed with 30degrees Celcius inside). He did an excellent job and got all feet dancing on the wooden floor.

Then it was time for the musical war:
Phil Bush was playing first in the Ska round, he got first forwards for his speech that he is not here to represent the England of the Farages and Johnsons. Musically he came in strong with heavy tunes, you wont hear an original copy of „African Queen“ on a proper sound system that often. Goldfinga played 2nd in this round and and started with the Treasure Isle tune „Goldfinger“ as his anthem. He made very clear with speeches and tunes with clash lyrics that he is here for a reason and got the crowd on his side. Tiny T was the final contester in the Ska round and came in strong with heavy instrumentals, but „Rest Yourself“ by Lord Tanamo was the tune which secured him the votes for the 1st round.
As the order of playing did rotate, Tiny T did start the Rocksteady round, but failed to stick to the genre with his first couple of tunes, which parts of the audiende and the referees noticed and made clear that he has to follow the rules. Which he did with great tunes again and finished the round in a solid way. Phil Bush had an off-moment with his first tune, but gained speed with the rest of the selection, big tune after big tune with „Come Down 68“ as grand finale, which created more arguments as some people – us included – declare it as Reggae tune. Roots Knotty Roots though, the most important database for jamaican music, says it’s Rock Steady and we trust the audience to judge themselfs. Goldfinga did start with a message tune again, followed rules and the clash concept the most consistent of all contentors in this round. The voting was clearly in his favour.
Due to the rotating playing order Goldfinga was the one to start the Reggae round which he did with a quite exclusive tune, it was a tuff decision to vote for this round as the two others also played very solid. In the end it was a close call between Phil Bush and Tiny T in this 3rd round and as the audience decided for Tennyson, Phil dropped out at this point.
The following tune fi tune was a head to head all they way through with surprisingly 70’s tunes getting the biggest forwards. At a score of 4-4 Goldfinga decided to draw for Paragons „Quiet Place“ which got a huge forward, but was controversial as he played that tune from an early 70s press. After a short reasoning and as we didn’t want the clash to end with a foul, the round was repeated. Check out the video and our gallery to find out who won the trophy.